Friday, December 4, 2009

Vegan vs. Omnivores and the like

I am tired of extremism and I don't care which extreme it is.  Vegens will not eat meat or dairy products or have anything to do with them.  Omnivores are of the other extreme, they will eat most anything and could care less whether or not it is healthy for them.  Then look at another segment of society; the enviromental crowds; these people are "green" to the point of being mean, they believe that the power to affect climate changes rest on the shoulders of those who could careless and those who toss their trash out their windows of their oily smoke spewing cars.  Then there are what I call progressives who believe that whatever is wrong in this country, government has the answer and at the other extreme are the anarchists, who just want no government at all.  (I tend to lean heavily toward the anarchists side by the way).  But it seems to me that Vegens are too extreme, but so are the Omnivores.  The environmentalists are usually too extreme for me but so are those who toss trash out of their smokey cars.  I do find that government is getting too oppressive, but at the same time I wonder how long we could survive without government.  Perhaps a stateless society would only create a bunch of smaller local governments and we would all just move around to the one that we feel most comfortable in.  Who knows?! 

What got me wondering about this, is that I was listening to a Natural News Podcast, it is actually called the Health Ranger Report.  First let me say that I eat meat, in fact, I love it.  But I could eat healthier so that is why I was listening to the Health Ranger (Mike Adams).  I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they may have something to tell me about living a healthier life.  I find I agree most of the time with their views but there are somethings he says that really offends me and I think are just wrong.  Mike Adams was saying in one of his podcasts that meat eaters are angry people, that they feel they have to kill in order to eat.  He claims that if you look around you can tell who the meat eaters are in the world.  He says meat eaters are unhappy angry people.  Well... I took offense at that.  I think I am one of the most nicest guys around.  I treat people the way I would want to be treated.  I often give people the benefit of the doubt when I've been mistreated.  I live my life trying to live the way God wants me to; loving my fellow man.  I try to take care of my family both financially and lovingly.  It seems to me that what we need is to look at all the extremes that are out there and strike a realistic and honest balance.  Not everything the health nuts say is good or right, but neither are they entirely wrong.  The eating of meat does not make you a bad human being.  I grant that many people if they saw the process that it takes to get meat on the table they would probably be vegetarians.  I sell firearms part time (so I am sure to some that makes me a bad and angry person), but what I find is that there are a lot of people who hunt game and they field clean and eat what they shoot.  Perhaps the first time they had to field dress a deer (field dressing is cutting out and removing the things that could spoil the meat in preparation for meat processing) they may have been grossed out, but most of them over come that and continue to hunt, kill, cut up, cook and eat they game that killed.  They have seen the process from beginning to end and this may surprise some of you, some of these hunters are women!  Women hunters are growing in numbers every year.  God intended for man to eat meat.  Meat has nutritional value.  The value of hunting is in learning about the process of life and its value to sustaining life. 

Another area that needs balance is in this trashing of the planet that is pushed upon us by the Greenies in this world.  They try to promote, for instance, that every American should buy a hybrid car or even better an electric car to reduce the "green" gases that affect our environment.  I don't believe that promoting these "green" cars from an environmental stand point is very effective.  Why?  Because people have to live their lives daily and most live paycheck to paycheck.  Cars are a necessity of life and we often try to buy the cheapest cars we can afford with the most luxuries we can afford.  Hybrid cars and electric cars cost too much at this time and have yet to become appealing to the mainstream buyer.  Until they become affordable and convenient they will never take hold with the public.  When you can show people cars that can save them money, now you begin to make in roads for public support.  I personally would love to own an affordable, convenient electric car if I can save money buying it, running and and maintaining it.  You do that and I will buy one in a heart beat.

Let's sum up.  We need truth from every extreme.  Bring them all together and let us help each other improve our lives and the lives of our children.  Balance should be the new extreme.

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