Thursday, November 5, 2009

Audit the Fed Now!

I believe that Ron Paul's push to audit the Federal Reserve should be approved by congress in its original form. This is the most important issue facing congress and it is getting no press to speak of. Why should the Federal Reserve be exempt? Even the CIA gets more scrutiny than the Federal Reserve! I hope and pray that HR 1207 and S 604 will pass and for the first time since 1917 the books of the Federal Reserve will be opened and the truth will be revealed. Then the American people will see for themselves what a bad idea a central bank is. This is just the beginning though, we have to get this through first, but then we need to push for an end to the Federal Reserve. We need to move to a truly free market society. Some today will try to say that a free market economy doesn't work, but the truth is that government gets in the way far too often and doesn't allow for free markets to thrive in the way they could if the ties that bind it would be cut. Audit the Fed now! Free the market now! The best government is the least government and the only thing better than that is no government.

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